Before writing your web copy and building your site you need to drill down into the nuts and bolts of your business and do keyword research. This will identify the phrases that you will target through your web copy and on-page SEO to get your site ranking with the search engines.
Some people fall into the trap of putting keyword research into the “too hard” or “too technical” bin when, in reality, it’s not difficult at all.
Here we show you three easy steps so that you get the results you are after.
1. Identify Your Top Products And Services
The first step couldn’t be easier. What are your main products and services?
If you are a Melbourne-based printer, for example, your main products might be printing services, brochure design, flyer printing etc.
That’s really all there is to the first step – knowing what your business is. Nothing difficult about that is there?
2. Use The Google Free Keyword Tool
Secondly you use the Google Keyword Tool or the Market Samurai tools to find keywords.
With the Google tool you will be met with a text box that you need to enter your keyword phrases into, one by one. For example “printing services”, “flyer printing” etc. Enter the phrase and click SEARCH.
The results will show for that phrase and any related phrases (or by selecting the EXACT button on the left hand panel you can get results just for that exact phrase); you will receive results for global searches, searches local to your location and you will also get an idea of the competition level for those phrases.
You can sort the results by MOST SEARCHES to make it easier – work your way down the list and see if there are any there that you can target.
Ideally you want your phrase to have a lot of monthly searches and low level of competition, as that opens the door for a lot of traffic to be headed your way.
Play around with the tool and identify as many core phrases that help to describe and position your business.
3. Add Geographic Modifiers To The Keyword
You need the right tools for your keyword research.
You will find that “printing services” has a huge amount of searches and a high level of competition; it will take a lot of work to get ranking for that phrase; it’s usually better to add a geographic modifier to the phrase and concentrate on ranking for the local market first.
For example, “printing services Melbourne” will be less competitive and with some smart SEO you can get ranking for that; you can also go after the suburbs, like “printing service Prahran”, for example – as these phrases will be even easier to rank for.
Once you have got good ranks for these keywords you can then target the “bulkier”, more competitive keywords that get more searches and traffic, but it’s best to try to conquer the local market first.
Anybody who can use a computer can handle these three steps for how to do keyword research – and they are steps that nobody designing a small business website should miss.
For more great tips on starting your new online business, watch the Competition Crusher workshop absolutely FREE right here: