We have covered in another blog post about how to optimize YouTube video in a non-competitive business area – but sometimes there are some “buzz” areas that attract a lot of videos; this makes it harder for your videos to rank and therefore, unless you learn some “guerilla warfare” tactics, your video will be rustled out of town!
Optimizing for keywords in the title, description and tags is all well and good most of the time. Most people uploading to YouTube don’t even do that.
But for some areas – usually where the stakes are higher and the “big boys” are involved – it helps to know what YouTube is on the lookout for in its algorithm.
Backlinks & Embeds
The more back-links to and embeds of your video the better; getting it posted in blogs, on your website, social media pages and as many other places on the web that can display a video, will make yours more competitive for your tags and keywords.
Get more channel views as possible.
Views, Ratings And Comments
In a non-competitive area you don’t have to worry too much about getting ratings and comments from your users, though it always feels great to get a lot of views and some positive comments alongside the video.
As the competition becomes stiffer this becomes more important as YouTube credits those videos that are the most popular and generate the most interest. It is partly the huge influence of social media globally that has added currency to this aspect of your videos.
Age Of The Video
The age of your video may play a role too. It’s difficult to get hard and fast data on how the age of your video will affect rankings but we’re pretty sure it does. It’s probably best not to take down old videos unless they are completely misleading or irrelevant.
Playlist Additions
If your videos are regularly making playlists then others you make may have more chances of being ranked high in YouTube search results.
Channel Views And Subscribers
As competition becomes fiercer YouTube also looks at the popularity of your channel as well as your individual videos; they will take into account your number of channel views and subscribers; so it’s always good to encourage subscriptions and to market your channel.
And Dave’s Golden Tip…
The golden tip that may just outweigh all the others is to embed your video onto high page rank pages. Seek out those pages that are truly popular, get a lot of hits and that Google rewards with a high page rank – this will see your videos ranking up near the top.
It’s not easy to get your videos on these sites but a bit of research, mixing with the right crowd and some quality video making and marketing should get you there.
Learning how to optimize YouTube video in a competitive market can help drive large amounts of traffic to your website. Want to see how we do it? Visit our YouTube channel by clicking here and see how we optimize our own videos.