Great sales copy needs a great body.
Good sales copy writing is an art that is well worth taking the time to learn. If you know how to write good sales copy, your offline business will benefit as well as your online business.
There are several things that you can look at right away. Let’s begin right at the start with your headline. This is the large bold text at the top of every page and is perhaps the most important part. It needs to be catchy and enticing enough that the visitor will want to go on to read the body of the article.
Tweaking your headline to make it more arresting can be a good first start. You then move onto the main body of your copy. Working on this might seem to be a bit daunting, but once you get started, it doesn’t need to be an overwhelming task. Remember that people like to do business with people, not with faceless corporations.
With this in mind, try to keep your copy chatty and informal. Of course it needs to be professional, but by adding a few pithy anecdotes or including a story about yourself, you can strike the right tone. Imagine the perfect customer you would like to have and keep this person in mind as you write your text and talk to him as you would to a friend. Even if you don’t think you’re a great copywriter, adopting this approach can improve your attempts a great deal.
Of course you can go into copywriting in great depth, but I believe there are two rules that are more important than most.
Focus On The Benefits
The first is, talk about the benefits, not the features. You might have heard this expressed as ‘sell the sizzle, not the steak’. Your client might not be interested in knowing that the tires you’re selling are steel radial, coloured black, but they will be keen to know that these tires help you to stop more quickly in the wet and will potentially keep your family safe.
Tell Them What To Do
The second rule may seem obvious, but it is crucial. That is you must include a call to action. At the end of the page, the customer needs to know exactly what they should do. Do you want them to enter their email address, pick up the phone or simply click through to the next page? Make sure they are absolutely clear about the next step you want them to take.
There is one last point to make here. Trust is still an issue when people consider doing business online. They are naturally concerned that you might be one of those people who simply take their money and run. Testimonials, guarantees and trust seals are all ways you can overcome these fears. They’re good methods to use to instill confidence and increase your conversion rate.
Want to make sure you are doing it right with your online sales copy writing? Click here to learn about our Internet marketing consulting service.