“I’ve tried sales emails and they’ve never really worked for me”…. does this sound familiar? If this is the case for you, then why not try changing your approach?
Sales emails can be a powerful weapon to keep in your online marketing armory, if you have built up a client database and you have products and services ready to be marketed to them.
Below we look at how to approach an autoresponder email campaign in terms of creating mails with the right tone, content and design.
1. Use Multimodes
People digest information in many different ways; some prefer to watch online video, others prefer DVDs that they can watch offline; others still like to load onto their iPod to listen to on the way to work or print out a PDF report to read in bed.
It’s important to cater for all types of data consumption, so bear this in mind when you do your marketing mails.
2. Keep It Chatty!
Many of the people you are writing to in your campaign you will have had some contact with before. It’s not necessary to be overly formal with them and it’s usually more appropriate to keep a chatty, personal, conversational tone.
People who have come from a corporate background into online business often struggle with pitching things at the right tone – work on getting it right.
3. Keep It To The Point!
Assume your recipient is busy and doesn’t have much time to read your email. This will help you keep the mail short and to the point.
Don’t always keep the same length of email – mix it up; some emails may just be a couple of lines (the “have you seen this yet…?” type of email) and others will require you to elaborate more.
4. Read It And Re-Read It!
The cardinal sin of email autoresponders is to send out a mail with mistakes. That’s why you should read your email and then re-read it before sending it out.
Another tactic might be to write it, wait a few hours, come back to it and then read it before sending, or get someone else to read it for you and give feedback.
5. Get The Anatomy Right!
Structurally there are some guidelines you need to follow to make sure your email is optimised:
You don’t have to be Shakespeare to write well.
6. Optimise Your Landing Page
Your email should be focused on your recipient performing an action – like clicking on a link. Make sure that you don’t try to sell anything in your email other than the client performing that action.
Then ensure your landing page is optimised – so anyone clicking through doesn’t have to spend time searching for the information they are looking for. Make it easy for them!
Writing great sales emails is just part of an online marketing approach that any serious business needs. You can find plenty of tips about other marketing approaches in the Competition Crusher workshop available for free by clicking here.