While at the Fast Web Formula 3 event in Queensland in late 2011 I sat down with a few of my Internet marketing buddies and asked them to pass on a few video marketing tips for small business from their specialist area. If you are thinking video marketing then you...
Can you name a good reason why you haven’t started web video marketing for your business yet? No? I’m not surprised, because video can help virtually every business; it is considered one of the “low hanging fruit” areas of online marketing because it will enhance...
Don’t let the hot flushes ruin your first video-making experience! Live video recording can be a little daunting at first but good preparation for your videos will go a long way to calming the nerves and shooting something that looks and sounds professional. We go...
Your web videos should be spread far and wide but, in terms of your website, there are some key pages where it is irreplaceable. Video increases conversion rates of leads – so it is a powerful tool to encourage a call to action. That means it needs to be sitting on...
Video testimonials are like gold nuggets for your business. Every one adds credibility and authority to you – and we’ve mentioned many times that this is the currency you want to be dealing in online; you NEED it to make sales. There is a definite strategy to making...