Your web videos should be spread far and wide but, in terms of your website, there are some key pages where it is irreplaceable.
Video increases conversion rates of leads – so it is a powerful tool to encourage a call to action. That means it needs to be sitting on your pages with the highest traffic.
Check with Google Analytics what your most visited pages are. Then add video to it. The likelihood is that some of the following pages will be the key ones:
Your Homepage
When customers land on your homepage they are looking for something. If you have done your “homework” you should know before you set up your site who will be visiting, who your ideal client is, what they are looking for and what you should be saying to them.
This means that your video on the homepage can address their biggest frustration; you can describe it better than they can and this will create the all-important connection by showing them that you understand their problems; then offer the solution and call them to action.
This will increase the chance of getting them to pick up the phone, sign up for your free report or send an email for a quote, because you are “pressing all the right buttons” in their minds.
Use web videos to transform your web pages.
Services Page
On your services page you can use video to explain exactly what you offer, with no ambiguities. The visual and practical element of video should be a great advantage over using text and images to convey the benefits of your products and services.
About Us
Tell your story through video on the About Us page and show your customers how you have faced many of the problems they face and how you overcame them to be where you are today. This will create the connection and show what a great position you are in to offer the solutions.
FAQ Page
FAQ auto-responders are great for demonstrating your authority and expertise in your market area. Choose 10 of the questions your customers regularly ask and 10 questions they should ask; then make short web videos for each.
Video is excellent for providing proof and credibility for your business. Create customer testimonials and try to interview some of the industry leaders on video so that everyone can see how you and your business are mixing with the right people and getting results.
Promotional business videos can be uploaded to video hosting sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler and many others, but the purpose is usually to drive visitors back to your website. That means you need to get videos on all of the pages of your site where people will land.
There are plenty more online video and general online marketing strategy tips like these in the free-to-watch Competition Crusher workshop. Simply click here to learn more about it.