Big sites usually win.
If you think putting your keywords on your pages is enough, you better think twice. To help your site quickly and properly crawled by Google you need to do these website optimization tips.
Setup a Google sitemap
A clever way to ensure Google finds and indexes all of your content is to register an account at Google Webmasters ( and select Site Configuration>>Sitemaps. You can then create an xml sitemap by uploading an xml file containing a list of every page on your website.
To help you do this, either search ‘google xml sitemap generator’ to find some free software to do this or pass the job over to your webmaster.
Use your internal linking to link to the pages you want to rank.
Internal linking is as important as creating links on other websites that point to your website.
Firstly, make sure there is a link to every page from at least one other page. Your most important pages should have links from several different pages. You are no doubt aware that getting more links improves your search engine ratings, but this is also true for your internal links.
Any effective website optimization tips will tell you that you shouldn’t link to every page from every page. See that your most important pages have the most number of links. A good way to do this is add ‘See Also…’ links at the bottom of every page that point to additional, relevant content. This will be good SEO and will keep your visitors on your website longer.
The second point is to make sure that relevant anchor text (the underlined text that’s usually highlighted in blue) is used. Linking the text ‘SEO Services’ to a page that describes your services, is more effective than linking the text ‘click here.’
Keep on creating great content
Big sites win out every time over smaller sites. New pages provide both additional ranking opportunities and give you a way of creating more internal links that point at your most valuable content.
Every page you create is a new ticket in the search engine lottery. The more pages you have, the greater chance you have of winning.
All this might seem like a lot of work, but once you’ve optimized a few pages, you will realize it is just a matter of choosing the right keywords, creating great content and then tweaking it to fit in with Google’s wishes.
Soon you will be able to optimize a page in a short amount of time. When you have perfected this method and completed several pages on your site, then proceed to the next module.
These website optimization tips are just the tip of the iceberg for your SEO. In case you are still not clear on what you should do to get your site ranking, consider our expert internet marketing consulting service by clicking here.